Thursday, November 16, 2006

Words of Truth & Love, 1867

scanned from Words of Truth & Love, 1867

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Engraving, Bishop Jeremy Taylor

This image was scanned from a copy of his complete works vol 1.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

This engraving was pasted inside a copy of A Commentary upon the Second Book of Moses, called Exodus, by the Right Reverend Father in God, SYMON, Lord Bishop of Ely. [2nd edition corrected, MDCCIV.] The book was apparently a gift to the colonies from the the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Which was a British religious society that was active in America from the beginning of the eighteenth century through the start of the Revolutionary War. The Latin banner translates roughly as "I go overseas to give help" [TRANSIENS ADIUVANOS].

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

So what are you or your kids learning?

So what are you and/or your kids learning? If you are listening to Neal Morse you are being taught that the Trinity is fiction and that Jesus is not very God of very God, but rather, a created being. Please don't make the mistake of thinking this doesn't creep into his music, he says otherwise- "My new album deals with this subject indirectly" In spite of this Christianity Today called his latest album "unquestionably admirable for its artistic and spiritual merits." The fact that someone who plays to "Christians" can be public with their heresy and it only draws a yawn only serves to show us how bad things really are.

“If Christ is not true and natural God, born of the Father in eternity and Creator of all creatures we are doomed…we must have a Savior who is true God and Lord over sin, death, devil and hell. If we permit the devil to topple this stronghold for us, so that we disbelieve His divinity, then His suffering, death, and resurrection profit us nothing” (Luther’s Works [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967], 22:21-22).

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pope's Exorcist: Harry Potter Satanic

The Vatican's chief exorcist is no fan of Harry Potter. Father Gabriele Amorth, who is Pope Benedict XVI's "caster out of demons," told Vatican Radio: "Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness, the devil."

According to the Daily Mail newspaper, he said that author J.K. Rowling's books contain innumerable positive references to magic, "the satanic art" and added the books attempt to make a false distinction between black and white magic, when in fact, the distinction "does not exist, because magic is always a turn to the devil."

Monday, August 21, 2006

Hosea & Joel Published: 1646.

Description: Scans of Original, antique wood-block engravings on thin, laid paper from a remarkable Old Testament Bible series. Published: 1646. Text in Dutch. Engraved by Christoffel van Sichem II (Dutch, 1610-1650, sometimes with his own design, sometimes after other artists, signed in plate with his monogram "cVs").

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What does ours look like?

"You can judge a civilization by its calendar." -unknown

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Calvin and Christian Holidays

“[John Calvin] loved children, and he had them at his house for Christmas trees;” Thomas M. Lindsay, A history of the Reformation vol. 2, 1917, p.154.

“[John Calvin] preached a special sermon for Christmas Day, which I have included in this volume. On Easter Day, 1559, and on Easter Day, 1560, he preached a special sermon, which I have included in this volume.” Leroy Nixon, Calvin’s Sermons: The Deity of Christ & other Sermons, Eerdman’s Publishing Co., 1950, preface.

"Let me here also challenge what is often said to be an accepted fact, namely, that John Calvin himself took no notice of any Christian calendar. T. H. L. Parker (in Calvin’s Preaching [Louisville, Ky.: Westminster, John Knox Press, 1992], pp. 160–62) marshals evidence from extant records to show that in the years 1549, 1550, and 1553 Calvin broke off the sermon series he was then preaching and delivered messages specifically on Christ’s nativity, on his death and resurrection, and on Pentecost at the "appropriate" times"