Tuesday, October 03, 2006

So what are you or your kids learning?

So what are you and/or your kids learning? If you are listening to Neal Morse you are being taught that the Trinity is fiction and that Jesus is not very God of very God, but rather, a created being. Please don't make the mistake of thinking this doesn't creep into his music, he says otherwise- "My new album deals with this subject indirectly" In spite of this Christianity Today called his latest album "unquestionably admirable for its artistic and spiritual merits." The fact that someone who plays to "Christians" can be public with their heresy and it only draws a yawn only serves to show us how bad things really are.

“If Christ is not true and natural God, born of the Father in eternity and Creator of all creatures we are doomed…we must have a Savior who is true God and Lord over sin, death, devil and hell. If we permit the devil to topple this stronghold for us, so that we disbelieve His divinity, then His suffering, death, and resurrection profit us nothing” (Luther’s Works [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967], 22:21-22).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wellcome!! I'm very happy!!
Nice to meet you!!
I From Brazil.
We are working for Unio.Mystica.