Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The “Romish” James Parker Dees.

Bishop Dees
The following quote is taken from a letter sent by the Rev. Dr. Robert KnightRudolph to Dr Carl McIntire dated 12/3/1963.  In late 1963 Dr Carl McIntire had James Parker Dees as guest on his popular radio program.  At the time the letter was written Dr Knight was the Professor of Systematic and Biblical Theology and Ethics at Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Pennsylvania, where he served for 49 years.  The letter was typed on seminary letterhead.

“I am particularly upset that you (Dr Carl McInire) support [James Parker Dees] when he insists on using the Prayer Books of the Church of England which allows of all kinds of Romish practice; that you have not insisted that he give up having an altar or wearing the priestly surplice. Do you really agree with him that a sacrifice is being made in the communion? You KNOW that there is NO altar but Calvary! You KNOW that Christ did NOT celebrate the Supper in the temple at an altar. How can you condone a man who won’t be Protestant? - - -and as to the surplice you know that John Knox took the black gown because it was the garb of the TEACHING brothers who could NOT administer the Lord's supper as a testimony to the priesthood of all believers and a demonstration of his conviction that the authority of the minister is to teach and not to go between the people and their God. If Dees had convictions he would so establish his church that it could not be soon carried back into the old heresies - - -but he refuses a Protestant and Biblical Prayer Book, and keeps one that is purposely written in a vague fashion so as to permit of either Protestant or Romish interpretation.”

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